What we're about

CrossFit Chula Vista Endurance is an adjunct to CrossFit for those who want to compete in endurance events from 5K to Adventure races. We believe strength, power, anaerobic conditioning, and proper mechanics lead to endurance success, not 'long slow distance'. There is method to our madness and we'll let you read our method both here and at CrossFitEndurance.com.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday Morning Recap.

Another great turn out this morning for CrossFit Chula Vista
Endurance. We have two new members, Maryann and Tara. Thanks for
coming out for both sessions this week and really pushing yourself on
two very hilly workouts.

A special acknowledgment to Theresa, who drives all the way from
Carmel Valley to workout with us. That really says a lot about her
dedication and of course we like to think it's a huge compliment for
the training we provide. Thanks Theresa, we love having you as part
of the group.

Today we ran 7 very hilly miles, but broken up into intervals. We ran
the "Rancho Del Rey Parkway" Loop. It is 3.5 miles long. There are
several challenging hills. We ran the first loop at 80%. Then we
rested 5 minutes. The rest one would think we have been awesome, but
it actually made getting started again total agony. We broke the
second loop up into two parts. We ran 2.5 miles to Explorer Park at
85-90%. We rested again for 3 minutes. And then we ran the last mile
back to Marisol park as fast as our legs could carry us. EVERYONE
hated me on that last mile. I even hated me.!!!That last mile had a
KILLER hill that just sucked the life out of each runner.( although
Bob overhauled me on the hill so maybe he was the only one not in
pain) But we all finished. And I think we felt a huge sense of
accomplishment at the end. And judging from all the smiles in the
stretching circle....we had lots of "runner's highs."

We will be meeting on tuesday at CrossFit Chula Vista at 6PM for our
speed intervals. And next Saturday we will be running 5k repeats
along the Silver Strand in Coronado. How many 5k repeats? I guess you
won't really know until you show up Saturday. Don't worry, I will
never give anyone anything they can't handle.

I just wanted to bring a race opportunity to everyone's attention. On
February 13th ( sunday morning) the inaugural Valentine's Day 10k
will be held in Coronado. Every person in our group is capable of
doing this race. I highly recommend doing it. There is even a couples
division. The route is flat and pretty and you will be surprised at
how fast your time is when you run with a huge pack. Bob Tubbs is
signed up already. Who else is interested? here is the link:

I am heavy into the planning of the Ragnar Relay. We have several
people who are interested in being on the team. I should have 80% of
all the details worked out by the end of the week. We might be
combining a few CFE teams in the area to make one amazing team of
fun, crazy people. The people I know who are interested are:
**If you haven't spoken to me about this race and you want to be a
part of our team please get in touch with me ASAP! Or space will be
given to other people.

Have a great weekend and thanks again to everyone who showed up to
run! We sure have a great group!!

Coach Aubyn

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