What we're about

CrossFit Chula Vista Endurance is an adjunct to CrossFit for those who want to compete in endurance events from 5K to Adventure races. We believe strength, power, anaerobic conditioning, and proper mechanics lead to endurance success, not 'long slow distance'. There is method to our madness and we'll let you read our method both here and at CrossFitEndurance.com.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

10k Time Trial Details

Crossfit Chula Vista Endurance will be meeting this Saturday at 8am at Mountain Hawk Park in Eastlake. We will be running a 10k time trial. I have put the route on a gmap link. I suggest that everyone have a look at it before the run tomorrow so that you don't find yourself running extra mileage!

URL for this route is: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=4256954

For those of you just getting started with us. I will have a 5k loop available and a shorter tempo run to do instead of the 10k TT. I will attempt to have direction cards for you on Saturday morning. It isn't a tricky route, but I know I spoiled all of you last weekend with my orange taping job!!

This is an "open" event. Please invite whomever you would like. The more the merrier, especially for a time trial. The route will be challenging. Those of you who know me, know I like to run flat courses about as much as I like running on the road..... This course will have lots of "rolling" hills and a few groomed pathways ( i would hardly call them trails) just to keep things interesting.

Bring water. There is a chance you will get thirsty on this route. And I'm not going to drive around with your hydration. So either drive the course 30 minutes before our meet time on saturday and stash some drinks in the bushes, or think about maybe carrying a bottle or wearing a pack. Some of you might want to try playing around with some Accelerade, Vitargo, or Carbo Pro. I will bring my Carbo Pro for any of you who might want to try it.

Gu, honey stingers, power gel bursts.....this is another excellent opportunity to train your body on this stuff. Don't wait until race day to figure out what works for you. Nothing like gut pain at mile 8 on a marathon because your body just took in something it wasn't used to. Been there....and it SUCKS.

There are bathrooms at Mountain Hawk. I cannot guarantee that the ranger will be there to unlock them before we begin. There is a second set of bathrooms at about mile 4. And there are bushes aplenty!!

Let's see how many people we can get to show up for this run. Again, invite friends and family. They don't have to be Crossfitters to participate. This is an excellent introduction to a running group. Great course, and I promise I won't torture anyone who isn't up for it!!

~Coach Aubyn

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