What we're about

CrossFit Chula Vista Endurance is an adjunct to CrossFit for those who want to compete in endurance events from 5K to Adventure races. We believe strength, power, anaerobic conditioning, and proper mechanics lead to endurance success, not 'long slow distance'. There is method to our madness and we'll let you read our method both here and at CrossFitEndurance.com.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sat. WOD

We are pleased to announce a 3rd CFE training opportunity. Beginning Wednesday, April 6th we will hold a wednesday 9am training run. The WOD will be different from the Tuesday and Saturday workouts. Come check it out. First two workouts are on the house!

Great week so far for our endurance group. Tuesday night we held a 5k time trial. The 5k TT is used in CFE like the CrossFit Total is used in CrossFit to judge gains. We try and do a time trial every 60 to 90 days to judge improvements. Tara and Brian both improved their times. Brian ran our CFCV loop in 20:32 almost a full minute faster than his previous time. And he did this post marathon! Great effort Brian. Great pace. Tara improved her previous 5k time by 6 minutes!!!! That works out to be 2 minutes faster per mile. HUGE!!! HUGE HUGE HUGE improvement there! And she did this after only 90 days with the program. And I must say that both Brian and Tara kept very even pacing. Which is the trick. Their mile splits were consistent, within 10 seconds of each other. Good pacing is the mark of a great runner.

Last night CFCV Endurance joined forces with Invictus Endurance and ran a blistering workout. The WOD was held at SDHS Balboa Stadium. Marc Homan, CFE head coach, was in charge. The track, only a year old was paradise for our runners who are used to running in the wilds of Eastlake. Our WOD was:

5 minutes on all out effort
2 1/2 off
6 minutes on all out effort
3 minutes off
7 minutes on all out effort

I think we all found God at some point during the workout. I know at one point I felt like I was being dragged behind a team of horses. But we all survived. And we checked the box for "mental toughness." A HUGE thanks to Marc or "Homie" as he is better known for his great coaching. And special thanks to Nuno Costa for arranging the meet up. We will have to do it again. And hopefully they will let us host a Saturday WOD!

Here's what's on tap for this weekend. We will be meeting at the VONS in Bonita at the corner of Bonita Road and Otay Lakes Road. We will be running from the base of Otay lakes hill to the top ending at Bonita Vista Middle School.

3 x 2 mile hill repeat

( and because I am so sweet the hill is actually only 1.8 miles in length so don't say I never cut you breaks.)

This is a scalable workout. Perfect for beginners. So if you haven't joined in on a CFE Wod before come try us out. Beginners will walk/jog the hill once, and walk/jog down. More advanced will run the hill and walk down. The effort will progress in difficulty based on the fitness level of the participant not exceeding 3 ascents and 3 decents at all out effort.

Just a friendly reminder that Saturday is the first of the month. Don't forget your CFE dues.

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