What we're about

CrossFit Chula Vista Endurance is an adjunct to CrossFit for those who want to compete in endurance events from 5K to Adventure races. We believe strength, power, anaerobic conditioning, and proper mechanics lead to endurance success, not 'long slow distance'. There is method to our madness and we'll let you read our method both here and at CrossFitEndurance.com.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saturday Recap.

Great effort yesterday!!! Who thought that WOD sounded easy at first? And then by the end of the first round you wanted to jump out in front of bus?? Just a recap for those of you who missed all the fun. We met at Montevalle Park.We ran:
4 x 1.6 miles
And here are the results:
Ron: 9:36 10:07 10:04 10:00
Jason: 11:10 12:20 12:35 12:01
Jack: 12:23 12:20 12:35 12:35
Sue: 12:50 ( calf cramped up)
Ralph: 13:43 14:23 14:52 15:03
Laurie: 15:42 17:30 First time with group so just did two rounds
Sheree: 15:14 16:00 15:08 15:05
Theresa: 16:40 15:30 19:30 20:32
Robin: 15:20 15:10 15:17 15:58
Aubyn: 11:17 11:23 11:24 11:28
We were joined by Coach Piper, which was awesome. An extra pair of eyes to give feedback on form. We were able to film many of you at your worst so we could catch you mid-error in your form. We had you take a look so that for the first time you could get a chance to see where you are dropping your posture.

I had a chance to run the WOD myself yesterday afternoon. And I have to say...it was one of the hardest workouts I think I have programmed to date. So really good job hanging in there. It would have been a lot easier to to have just run a 10K. Having it broken up in 4 parts really messed with you all ( and me) mentally. You knew you had to push yourself with a quicker pace for each interval instead of just going a bit slower and covering the total distance. Then you had the rest time where you recovered and started to think " hmmm, maybe I don't want to do this another time around." These are the workouts that count the most. At mile 10 on a half marathon you'll be thanking me. Because while others are dropping back, you will dig in deep and shift into overdrive.

One thing You might have heard Piper and I talking about yesterday with regard to form is that some of you are "reaching" as you run, especially when you get tired. This means that you are lengthening your gait and trying to grab more ground with each stride instead of keeping your legs underneath you and keeping your cadence ( leg speed) quick. The more time you spend in contact with the ground, the higher your risk for injury. Those of you with longer legs have more of a tendency to do this. But do you remember those sections of the trail yesterday that were gravel, but were also covered in those marble-like seeds from the trees? How many of you shortened and quickened your stride over those patches so you wouldn't slip? I know I did. It was like running over a carpet of marbles. I knew short quick steps would keep me upright and longer slower steps would have me slipping pulling a hamstring or a quad. The way you hopefully ran across those seed pods is how I want you to run all the time.Short quick steps underneath your body.

We will be filming again on tuesday. And Again, Piper will be there to help. Be ready to get drilled like crazy. Also, be ready to run barefoot...or in vibrams. We will meet at 6PM at Mountain Hawk Park.Meet near the basketball courts. We will be running the big grass field. Here is our WOD:
1 min on, 1 min off
1 min on, 50 sec off
1 min on, 40 sec off
1 min on, 30 sec off
1 min on 20 sec off
1 min on, 10 sec off
then back up the ladder until we finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.

I will not be coaching this saturday the 19th as I am racing in the 2011 Pro-Am Ride N Tie up at Lake Matthews. I will, however, be more than happy to coach a session at either 7am or 8am on Sunday morning. Please email me if you are interested. Otherwise I will just send out a workout for all to either meet up to do together without me or do on your own time over the weekend.

This coming Saturday Brian will be racing in the Los Angeles Marathon. This is his chance at qualifying for Boston. I want to wish him my best. And I know that the rest of you do as well. And keeping with tradition. Time to post your song pick for Brian''s marathon Playlist!

Here's mine:Sure helped me yesterday on round #4
Nicki Minaj and Rihanna "'Fly"


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