What we're about

CrossFit Chula Vista Endurance is an adjunct to CrossFit for those who want to compete in endurance events from 5K to Adventure races. We believe strength, power, anaerobic conditioning, and proper mechanics lead to endurance success, not 'long slow distance'. There is method to our madness and we'll let you read our method both here and at CrossFitEndurance.com.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday recap.

Hey Everyone:

Great job today everyone. The run was not easy. It was a jump in mileage for some. It was hilly. And it was hot and dry. Not to mention that it came at the end of a week full of WODS such as Fran and walking lunges! So way to push through the pain and exhaustion and get it done.

Some of you may have walked away from today's run thinking "Wow, I just got my ass handed to me." But I want each and every single one of you to know that whatever time it took you to finish in, it was a great accomplishment. See, in my mind there are CrossFitters, and then there are CrossFitters who do CFE. Many "Crossfitters" WON'T run more than a 5k. In fact, they hate any WOD that has running and if you want to see proof of that, check out how few people show up for a 5k WOD when Rick schedules it. So congratulate yourselves. You are in the minority. Not only can perform technical lifts with heavy weight, you can do basic gymnastics, sprint, and run long distances. Proving that you accept all challenges and you are a well rounded athlete.

Special recognition today goes to Ralph. He ran the loop twice. He opted for a second loop even after taking a nasty spill at mile 4. He had the joy of finding out how bad a 10 miler can feel post marathon. It's really amazing how much a full marathon can take out of your body. For 4 to 6 weeks post race longer runs are just life suckers. Great Job Ralph. Way to be king of the "sufferfest."

This past week I have had several interesting comments from some of you that have me a bit on edge. Some of you are indicating that you are losing your appetite, not sleeping well, and kind of feeling a bit trashed. I am worried that many of you may be over training. I want to make sure that I go on record again by saying the following:

1. The CrossFit Rx is 3 days on/ one day off. This is "ideal" and this really is what you should be following. Some of you are doing 6+ days of CrossFit and CFE and that my friends is a recipe for disaster.

2. "More is just More" think long-term. Yes, today you feel awesome. You've done 4 days of CF in a row. You feel like you can handle a run or even an extra WOD. But, do you need it? Could your body benefit from rest? Taking a rest doesn't mean you are a wimp. It means you are tough. And you are calculating. You know that your body makes HUGE gains on rest days and without proper rest....all that hard work you've done with your WODS have just become more harmful than good.

3. Listen to your body!! Say you have had 2 days of CrossFit and you are on day 3. You wake up tired after a horrible night's sleep. You are hungry (or not hungry) maybe feeling drained. DON'T Drag yourself through a workout. Take a rest day, and readjust your schedule. Listen to the warning signs.

4. EAT!!!!!!! And eat right. Those of you doing CFE have taken on a whole additional layer to the already BRUTAL CrossFit format. In order to be able to handle this kind of work, you need to have everything dialed in. As important as rest is....DIET is an even more important key to success. That's why it is the bottom third of the "CrossFit Pyramid." Eat clean, beautiful, healthy , fresh foods. And eat often. CFE requires fueling your tank. Hydrate, take your fish oil. And if you have specific diet questions please ask. I will always try and help. And you all know that Rick is a wealth of knowledge on this topic and he is more than willing to chat with any and all of you about your nutrition as many times as the topic may arise.

A scheduling note: This coming week,we will be meeting for CFE on wednesday night. I have a scheduling conflict on tuesday. So thanks to all of you who have already said this switch works out OK. If this is a problem for anyone please let me know and I will email you a workout you can do on tuesday without me. We will be meeting at 6PM at the Eastlake Little League parking lot. We will be running hill repeats. If any of you have been to that little league field, you know what hill I have planned. You better make sure you are rested and have been eating right because this hill is very very challenging.

Saturday I have a fun WOD planned. More details on that later. Again Great Job today everyone.

~Coach Aubyn

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