I have always wanted to get in shape, really in shape, but life seemed to get in the way. I have for most of my adult life had some sort of gym membership yet paying that monthly fee never seemed to magically make the excess weight go away or build muscle. The closest I got in the past was when I hired a personal trainer ($60 per hour for three hours a week). I lost some weight and got stronger, but I seemed to plateau and not grow, and the expense was difficult to maintain. I did notice that having someone waiting for me in the gym made me show up, rather than when I had a generic gym membership and could show up whenever I wanted.
I then turned 40, still not getting to that goal point so I decided to start running (I always loved running). I started with half marathons and worked up full marathons. I wasn't very fast, and my "training" consisted of going out each evening and running whatever distance I came up with. At first I just tried to run 10-13 miles every night, but plantar fascitis as well as other injuries made me re-think my strategy. I then alternated interval workouts during the week with long runs on weekends because I read it in a book. The injuries seemed less, but while my marathon times got down to 4:45, I would struggle the last five miles with severe leg cramping and knee pain, causing me to walk / limp to the finish. During all this self-induced injury period I did manage to get my weight down but it never seemed to stay off. I then took a break from running and suddenly 40 pounds found it's way on me and I was in a worse position then where I started. While I never had blood pressure problems in the past, I noticed my readings climbing past 140/90 on a consistent basis. I tried to go back to running early last year but during a slow jog my excess weight coupled with bad running form and reduced leg strength caused me to tear the meniscus in my right knee, further setting me back.
So, this brings me to six months ago. I met Rick from CrossFit and decided to check out the program. It seemed like a good mix of gym membership with personal training, and he seemed passionate about what he teaches. His initial seven minute workout completely kicked my butt, so I decided to give it a try. This was the best health decision I have ever made.
When I started (to serve as a baseline), I could not do a single box jump or run more than 100 meters without my right knee screaming at me because of the torn meniscus. My blood pressure was 140/90+ and I weighed in at 250 pounds. After just one month of CrossFit Wods three days a week, and following the Paleo Diet (to about 80%) I was able to shed 10 pounds and get my blood pressure back to under 120/80. I also noticed that my knee was bothering me less due to all the f$**#@ squats (er, leg strengthening). I could actually jog a mile without knee pain.
I became more motivated and started to dig into this thing called CrossFit more. I began to read the articles on the CrossFit Journal, watch the various videos on subjects such as nutrition and running, I was transitioning from a client to a believer. Rick keeps saying that 60% of one's success comes from nutrition and within the CrossFit Journal is the data to back it up. I really started to see the big picture and all the pieces they teach began to fall into place.
A couple months ago Rick and Aubyn began the endurance program (to teach running) so I immediately signed up. I knew I needed professional training in this area as all I could do by myself was create injury. Crossfit's philosophy of how to run is based on injury prevention, and that was something I desperately needed. As I stared attending the additional endurance workouts, I decided I needed a goal so I signed myself up for the Surf City Marathon, held in two months. This was the last marathon I ran (4:45 with major cramps after mile 21) so I wanted to see how close I could come to where I was three years ago.
When I shared my goal with Aubyn, she made it very clear that if I was to run this marathon in two months, I HAD to follow a specific CrossFit training program to get me ready. This I did, which included four regular strength workouts per week plus three endurance workouts per week. I had to run exactly what she told me to do, no more and no less. The funny thing was, none of these runs were long. Only twice did I run as far as 12 miles where most of the training runs were short interval sprints. I didn't know how well this was training me for a long run, but I put my faith in Aubyn and CrossFit. Aubyn's coaching included what hydration and nutrition I would use for the race, and at what intervals. The week before the marathon, I was told to basically do nothing (some squats on Monday, light jog on Tuesday, 10 minute WOD on Wednesday and easy workout Thursday - nothing strenuous). I felt like I should be training harder, but according to Aubyn and Crossfit's teachings, this was what I had to do.
Last Sunday, after five and a half months of CrossFit strength training, and a simultaneous two months of endurance training, I was at the starting line relying on blind faith of all these goofy workouts to get me through. I was 35 pounds lighter and a lot stronger than where I was when I started, and while anxious, I was curious how my body would perform. Well, to finish this long story, I was able to run the entire marathon with no walking. My right knee did not bother me at all, and I experienced no leg cramping. My time was 4:36 at the finish. While I didn't run a pace to qualify me for the Boston Marathon, I completed the race faster than I did three years ago and I was running across the finish!
These last six months have made me both a believer and a raving fan. The CrossFit philosophy works and I am extremely excited to see where I will be in another six months. Thank you Aubyn and Rick, you have helped me change my life.
- Ralph
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