It's that time again...Mother F-er Miguel ( as sue calls it)
We will meet at the corner of Coastal Hills and Butterfly Court in the Bella Lago neighborhood of Chula Vista ( 91914) at 7am. This is an open event, as all our Mt. San Miguel Wods are.
Bring a bottle of water and a GU or something to eat or replenish you. Perhaps even some accelerade or some other type of sports drink. We've seen a lot of people need something at the top of the Mountain to feel better. This is a TOUGH, but short climb. Don't do this if you have bad knees. And you better make sure you eat something before you show up or you won't make it.
Bring a camera, views are amazing and dress for heat. You're gonna sweat half your body weight in under an hour.
Coach Aubyn
I read everything you write like it is my daily multivitamin!