Another great turnout last night for CFCVE Chulajuana. Eight dedicated runners gave up another night of vacation to get their run on. Here's the recap:
We had a slow easy warm up and stretch inside the box. Then spent about 20 minutes working on our running form. Specifically our footfall and length of our gaits using jump ropes, one of the most effective drills in my opinion for illustrating how ineffective a heel strike is, and how fatiguing it can be to not let your heel tough the ground at all.
We had a lot of fun last night turning our speed workout into a relay race. We broke up into groups of three ( coach Sal was thrown into the mix to complete a third team). The workout was:
8 x 200m
The rest was equivalent to the amount of time it took the other two teammates to complete their interval and get back for a hand off.
A scheduling note: There will not be a coached workout this Saturday January 1st. I know you all are DYING to start the new year off on the right foot ( minus the heel strike) So here is a "Take Home Assignment" I'd like everyone and anyone to run on their own.
If you are training for anything shorter than a 5k ~ 30 minute Tempo run at 85% race pace
If your race or desired training goal is a distance between 5k and half marathon ~ 50 minute tempo run at 85% race pace
If you are training for anything over a half marathon~ 70 mintute tempo run at 85%
Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing a HUGE group of newly resolved runners plus our founding members next tuesday January 4th at 6PM
Coach Aubyn